Wednesday, January 31, 2007

First Steps!

After being confined to his car seat for 16 hours from Charlotte, NC to West Chicago, Sam got out and took his first steps!!! It was as if he had saved this surprise especially for Papi and Mami. Sporting his peppermint pajamas, he staggered back and forth between Danny and Shari amidst cheers, whistle blowing, shouts, clapping, and a blinding barrage of camera flashbulbs. Sometimes he would stand with his legs pumping up and down in one place as he tried to work out how to propel himself forward. The little synapses in his brain fired off like 4th of July fireworks as all at once he was having to coordinate bones, muscles, balance, forward motion, arms, and focus amidst a joyful uproar. I feel that a whole era has shifted away and that my baby has sprung up into a full-fledged boy.
Siu Family

Monday, January 29, 2007
Sam Gogh
Bottom Gunner

Candy Bar Advice

Sam & the Doberman

When Lexie is stretched out against the back door, she becomes a jungle gym. Sam crawls over her, sits on her, pokes her jowls. The other day Sam had a wooden spoon with which he was happily swatting Lexie. Lexie raised her head with an air of mild curiosity, as if a mosquito were buzzing. Sam eventually modified his badgering by first bonking her on the head and then brushing the length of her back with the spoon. Lexie was unmoved. Sam began to shout "ga!" at which point Lexie coolly stretched out and fell fast asleep. Am I missing something?
Thanksgiving 2006

Tuesday, January 9, 2007
Practicing his Index Finger

Every day we "practice his index finger": I put a scrap of food on his highchair tray, preferably something slippery like watermelon. His fist pops out of his mouth where it generally resides, and his index finger emerges from his fist. He stabs enthusiastically at the food. He misses. The chase is on.
Traveling like an inchworm, his finger arches, straitens, arches, straitens as it scoots forward, dragging a fat fist behind. As he pursues his food into the far corners of the tray, his mouth drops open in anticipation. I explain to him that step #1 is to secure a grip on the food, and step #2 is to open mouth. But he already knows how to open his mouth, so he goes ahead and gets that ready.
For a long time, newborn Sam enjoyed the random jerking of arms. Then one day around 3 months he discovered that hands are fastened at the ends of said arms, and that hands can catch each other in the air. For a few weeks he practiced clasping them together like a champion. Occasionally he would forget how to unclasp them, and this would cause his face to crumple into grimaces of bewilderment. When he’d finally give up and relax, they’d fall easily apart, to his great surprise.
Suddenly one day, he came upon his wrists! He shook them excitedly. He gradually refined this into a primordial wave which he brandished wildly in the direction of barking dogs, speeding cars, and the washing machine when it shook on spin cycle. Sometimes he would accidentally hit himself in the face when he needed to wave at a car and rub his eyes. You could practically smell new neural connectors being soldered together in his brain.
From large muscle systems to teeny tiny muscles, the progression has continued. In the past month he has discovered that in his possession lies a full set of astonishingly functional fingers, and an INDEX finger!!! This is cutting edge, people. Sometimes from his playpen, he points at me with one drool-dipped index finger in that gesture of "Uncle Sam Wants You” (a.k.a. Baby Sam Wants Mom). He grins and then seems to say, syke!, and returns to banging his toys around like a monkey.
Monday, January 8, 2007

Eating Fish Food

Shortly thereafter, Danny and Sam began rolling a can of "TetraMin Tropical Tablets" (Extra Nutrition for your Bottom Feeders!) back and forth on the floor. I inquired if Danny had checked the lid, but Danny felt this was unnecessary. (silly me) In a moment, green pellets had scattered across the kitchen floor. Who could have foreseen?? Some of them even made it into Sammy's mouth. Then, as if all of this weren't instructive enough, Danny and Sam began to play with the same can again, this time with the lid "securely" on, according to Sammy's daddy. I know it is going to be very difficult for all of you to predict was happened next, so I will have to tell you: the lid came off and pellets scattered all over the floor. Abin mamaki! Danny and Sam were totally blindsided by this strange and unjust accident.
Today I heard Sammy smacking and sucking very loudly on something. I stuck my finger in his mouth and retracted one of our Doberman's Alpo Prime Cuts (Savory Beef Flavor). I am now reviewing my habit of shopping at the grocery store. When stinking algae meal and processed cow chunks are suitable food for the entire range of life forms in our home, why buy Gerber?
Sam portrait

Doberman on Treadmill

One day Danny put her on around 9:30 a.m. and left for work. He told me to take her off around 10:30. Well, I had to do some errands and totally forgot. There were also some workmen on the roof that day. When I got home at noon, the workmen had left for lunch and the yard was deserted, but there was Lexie, galloping along at top speedl! I quickly stopped the machine and she flopped towards her water dish, tongue lolling. After a nap in the sunshine, she was bounding around the yard again--remarkable.
Wednesday, January 3, 2007
Dad in Vietnam
6-Month Doctor Visit

Sammy is in the 95th percentile for everything, for example weight (20lbs, 14oz) and length (28in) and head circumference (18in). (Imagine if your body was only 10 inches longer than the circumference of your head.)
Sitting up was sooo 5 months, so he scored high on that. The doctor gave him a tongue depressor to distract him, and Sam grabbed it with his right hand, and switched it to his left hand. Switching hands like that is soooo 8 months, yet Sam is only 6 months, so this only goes to show...
Two Great Grandmas
Shores of Lake Michigan
Crossing the Mason-Dixon line