Sam spent Thanksgiving in Waxhaw. Here's the little poot with 3 of his 8 cousins (3 live in Cambodia, 2 in Chicago). Yes, his nose is a scabby mess. The day before, while in his walker, he worked open the patio patio and cruised on outside. However, a 7-inch drop meant that he did a face plant in his walker and howled. (We really thought the door was secure!) It was so awful. I told Sam over and over that such an unjust thing would never EVER happen again in his life. So that was a big fat lie. What was I supposed to say? What if one day he breaks a bone? or has surgery?? Unthinkable. The whole world will have gone to h-e-double-hockey-sticks in a handbasket. I can't bear the injustice. I better go have a cup of tea and start worrying ASAP.
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