Unwrap the new blue plastic wading pool. Scrub it very clean. Wipe thoroughly with Lysol. Add clean water. Put new Nemo swimming diaper on Sam. Play "This Little Piggie." Put on swimming trunks. Sing, O Do You Know the Muffin Man? Slather on several coats of SPF 50. Explain in reassuring voice about the water. Lower him slowly into pool. Nudge exciting tupperware towards him. Watch. Hover.Get splashed by Sam. Laugh joyfully.
Day 15:
Roll plastic wading pool off fence. Spray it to remove mud clods. Fill. Wrestle Sam into swimming diaper. Glob SPF 50 on nose. Put him in pool. Bark "sit down" many times. Scold him for splashing. Argue about whether or not he can get out.
Day Who Cares?:
Roll filthy pool off fence. Fill. Locate Sam who is tasting a rock. Strip him down except for diaper. Point to pool and grunt. Squirt SPF 8 in his general direction. Watch numbly as he places muddy truck, garden sprinkler, and sticks into wading pool. Ignore the fact that he is uninterested in getting into wading pool. Watch his Adamic nature bloom as he trots around the pool shouting bossily at his truck and the garden sprinkler.

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