Monday, November 5, 2007

Sam Gets His Ducks in a Row

I love baths and I am very organized with my bath toys. I line up my ducks and boats on the edge of the tub or I stack them in my bucket. Mom says I have a long attention span and great fine moter skills. I am not allowed to take my toothbrush into the bath. I am also not allowed to pee in the tub, or splash water on the floor. Any of these "antics" gets me evicted.

1 comment:

Leanna said...

A small poem, inspired by the post:

Ducky be Mine

Ducky be Mine,
Mine,in the tub,
Lets go a-sailing,
and Rub-a-dub-dub.

Ducky be Mine,
I'll be your's too,
we can go rafting,
In this porcelain canoe.

Ducky be Mine,
while mommy grooms,
We'll soak in the tub,
Till we look like prunes.

Ducky be Mine,
play with me,
We'll play games,
If you stay with me.

Ducky be Mine,
I'll be there for you,
Ducky be Mine,
'cause I love you!