Thursday, May 22, 2008

Figuring Out the Universe

SAM, whose vocabulary has swelled to 6 words, has brilliantly managed to combine two. He was standing in all his adorable nakedness watching the water in the bathtub sink his boats. Suddenly he stretched out his arm to the drain and said, "Bye-bye agua!"

SAM knows about stoplights now, which are semaforo in Spanish. He has a great view through the front windshield from his car seat. "Dis, dis!" he shouts when he spots one coming up, or when we have been stopped at one and it suddenly turns green. I have said the words rojo, amarillo, and verde so many times I'm about to go nuts. But Sam still says, "dis."

OUR hot water heater died recently, creating a 40-gallon puddle of warm agua in very short order. (It was new in 1987, so I'm really irritated that it only lasted 21 years.) But it was very exciting for Sam. I pulled towels from his bathroom cabinets, and he ran them one by one over to Danny who was on his hands and knees in the lake. You could tell Sam was very excited, jabbering, "agua!", pointing, dragging towels around. The cutest thing was that Sam would put his hand on Danny's lower back and pat it gently. It was as if he were saying, "It's okay Daddy."

SO it was Sam's naptime one Saturday while I was running errands. Danny put him in the guest bed with some milk. Of course, Sam popped up and appeared in the living room. Danny got serious and told him he couldn't leave the bed. He fussed for awhile and then it was silent. Later when I came home, I found Sam fast asleep on the bed with the yoga mat folded on top of himself. Danny had no idea how this happened.

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