Thursday, April 9, 2009
1903 Harrill
Okay so this is our house in the 'hood where we've lived since I was 8 months pregnant last summer 2008. It's a mess. The porch and facia board need painting. We need new windows and porch railings. The storm door got broken, ironically, in a storm. The bright pink azaleas have some kind of disease. Miss Mary who is 900 years old and lives next door saved the tires-mounted-on-hubcabs flower pots for me. I spray-painted them green and will soon smother them in sweet potato vine like I did last summer to hide their junkyard origins. Danny's dad planted a cypress. So far I've planted a forsythia, a camelia, a bunch of lilies, and mounds of pansies. Oh, there's also a rusting yellow fire hydrant in the yard. Inside though, it's beautiful. It's got 10 foot ceilings and beautiful tile bathrooms. Some of the floors are still old wood. The house is 103 years old and is only a dozen blocks from uptown Charlotte. We're renovating it one inch at a time. I guess I'm putting this photo here so later I can see how much it's changed.

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The best part of the interior decorating is being done in the lower reaches of the walls and floors. It is done a bit everyday
by 4 little hands and lots of smiles and giggles.The interior decorators are Sam and Sahara. They use multitudes of toys, esp. cars and trains, puzzles, animals occassionally pencils or crayons, carrots, cookie crumbs and many other earth friendly items. I'm sure they will be very willing to help with your decorating any time.
They come to my house in Waxhaw every so often and do some for me. I am always very pleased with their work. A happy grandma
Looks like you need to set boundaries on who can look at your blog. Megan also had some loony-tune put junk on her blog & had to limit who could look at it. Ask her how she did that...
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