Monday, January 18, 2010

Come on!

Sam came bouncing out of "kidz warehouse" on Sunday with a coloring book picture of a jail cell. In it was an angel and a nice-looking dude in chains. At home over lunch Sam sticks smiley-face stickers all over the jail cell as he tells me the story like this: "That guy was in jail. He was so sad! He has those chains on him. Then that angel comes. Then that angel says to him, "Come on! [Sam beckons with his whole arm to demonstrate. This is his favorite part.] Let's go! Let's play! Then the man was not in jail anymore."

Realism or expressionism?

Sam and Sahara are drawing the traffic patterns on 277 at very slow shutterspeed.

Sahara Wants YOU

So, as cute as this is, the truth is she was mocking me! She has been in the habit of throwing everything on the floor when she sits at the counter (or highchair or changing table or stool--any elevated location). She looks around for objects that are not attached and drops them. This is "fun." So I shake my finger at her and say "no" very seriously. The other day, she got a big smirk on her face and shook her chubby finger right back at me! I was so indignant, but she was so delicious I just had to get the camera.