Sam turned 7 weeks old yesterday. :-) He also experienced his very first bath. He wasn't one bit dirty; nevertheless, what kind of lousy mother would wait 7 weeks and two days to bathe their child?? Not me! I'm way more ahead of the game than that.
I put Sam in his new blue tub only after testing the water temperature exactly one million times. Sam clenched up his toes something ferocious at the feel of the water . After a minute or two--during which time i watched anxiously to see if he would die, which he did not--he began to jerk his limbs and make gurgly sounds, which I took to mean that he loves me very much and was keen on experiencing the bath.
Then I drizzled Johnson & Johnson babywash all over his plump pastry-donut body. I glazed him. He made cooing noises and kept turning his head towards the sound of the water. Danny took lots of pictures which will be embarrassing for Sam some day. The only time Sam got frustrated was when I tried to dig the lint out of his armpits. No more lint for Sam.
When it was almost over, Sam peed strait up in the air. The height of the arc made Danny proud. Then he urped up on himself. Both of these bodily events were discouraging for me, what with my having just painstakingly washed him for his very first time. I can see that Sam and I are going to have some differences. But I forgave him because he is soft and warm like brownies that have been cooling but are still warm inside your mouth.
Then I lifted him very carefully into a big towel and rubbed him in little circular motions till he was soft and fuzzy like a peach. I massaged his scalp and kissed him for a while and he made conversational squeeky noises back at me. Then I put him in his "jammies" and he fell fast asleep. Isn't that a nice story? It really happened. Happy 7-week Birthday, Sam.
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