Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Lint, Creases, etc.

Back in Sam's youth when he first appeared to us, he had wrists. These have been slowly replaced by deep creases. Creases have alot in common with belly buttons, in terms of collecting lint. Sam also collects lint in his thigh rolls and in the creases between his thigh and his dimply, peach-fuzzy butt. Basically there's alot of lint going on.

I'm just going to tell you one thing: You should probably not get in the pool with your digital camera. If you are a mother or a father, you might want to do this, and I won't hold it against you, even though i'm warning you. If your camera falls and gets a teeny bit wet on the bottom of the deep end, and you have to go to the store and buy a new one, and hypothetical things like this, well, you should not feel too bad. Being enthusiastic about creases is something I understand. That being said, I still tend to suggest not to get in the pool with your digital camera. Probably it's better to go ahead and put your child's hand in the mouth of a giant Doberman, and take that picture instead.

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