I am loathe to offend the Presbyterian and Baptist sensibilities of the Plueddemann and Savage families, but it appears that Sam was "predestined" to be... CHARISMATIC!! As you can see in the photo, he has already been slain in the spirit and spent some quality carpet time in the Lord.
It's hard to argue him out of his point of view since, at 4 and a half months of age, he insists on babbling in tongues. I've tried to explain to him that there is one door, and only one (and yet its sides are two), and that "everybody ought to know" this. But Sam will not hide his little pentacostal light under a bushel (no!). I believe that he is able, he's able (I know he's able) to turn, turn from such chrismatic mumbo jumbo and look up to the sky. Sam, like the Menonites, may never "march in the infantry, ride in the calvary, zoom 'or the enemy," but his faith is definately experiential (which is more than the mumbling Catholics or hair-sprayed Baptists can say for themselves). Like Zacchaeus, Sam is a wee little man, but there is certainly oil in his lamp, and this keeps him climbing sunshine mountain. The faith of our fathers (precious faith) is undergoing renovations, but there is within Sam's heart a melody that keeps him singing all day long. He would rather have Jesus than silver or gold and he's saved and he knows it (clap your hands, clapclap).
It's hard to argue him out of his point of view since, at 4 and a half months of age, he insists on babbling in tongues. I've tried to explain to him that there is one door, and only one (and yet its sides are two), and that "everybody ought to know" this. But Sam will not hide his little pentacostal light under a bushel (no!). I believe that he is able, he's able (I know he's able) to turn, turn from such chrismatic mumbo jumbo and look up to the sky. Sam, like the Menonites, may never "march in the infantry, ride in the calvary, zoom 'or the enemy," but his faith is definately experiential (which is more than the mumbling Catholics or hair-sprayed Baptists can say for themselves). Like Zacchaeus, Sam is a wee little man, but there is certainly oil in his lamp, and this keeps him climbing sunshine mountain. The faith of our fathers (precious faith) is undergoing renovations, but there is within Sam's heart a melody that keeps him singing all day long. He would rather have Jesus than silver or gold and he's saved and he knows it (clap your hands, clapclap).
Ever the sunbeam for Jesus,
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